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Recent Passing Of Sharon Cotton


We are very saddened to learn of the death of our former member Sharon Cotton, who passed away last week. Sharon had been involved with our club for over 30 years until she left in 2018. For a few years, Sharon had also been a member of our management committee, and had also attended with her grandson Eliot. Sharon was very much a person who encouraged others, supported our disabled swimmers and believed in their potential. Sharon also enjoyed attending and being involved in events within the community, and had regularly been a member of our team at the Rotary Club Swimathons and attended Remembrance Sunday events with us, when we were able to join in. A very active and practical lady.

The photograph is Sharon with other team members at the 2018 Swimathon. We send our sympathies to her husband John and the family. Sharon, may you be at peace always.


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