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Self Care Week 2022

This week is self-care week and this year, the theme is Exercise Self Care for Life.

Incorporating the practise of self-care into our everyday lives can help us to live as healthily as possible.

Self-Care Week is a perfect time to think about how we live our lives and maybe make some small changes that will improve our health and wellbeing, and our families.

Knowing what to do and where to go for help is an important part of practising self-care for life.

Remember, it isn’t just the GP practice that can help, pharmacies are also health experts. They are on every High Street and can help with all sorts of ailments. Pharmacists can also signpost you to the right place for additional health advice or treatment.

Remember, NHS 111 can also be a good resource for health advice for things that are not life-threatening. And the NHS website has lots of information on what steps to take to look after you and your family. The Self Care Forum also has some useful fact sheets you might like to download.

The important thing to remember is, practising self-care is something we all need to do every day. For ourselves. For our families. And for the NHS.


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